Dr. ARRUGUETE, Giselle (She/Her)

Fertility Specialist

  Buenos Aires, Argentina
  English | Spanish

Gynecology and fertility specialist. Perform high and low complexity fertility treatments. She works in one of the centers with the greatest experience in fertility and reproduction in Latin America.


These are the treatments performed by Dr. Giselle ARRUGUETE:

Treatment Description Coverage Price Actions

Egg cryopreservation

It is a method to preserve the reproductive potential of women for the future. Eggs removed from the ovaries are frozen without fertilization and stored for future use. A frozen egg can be thawed, combined with sperm in a laboratory, and implanted in the uterus (in vitro fertilization).

Remote monitoring for hormonal stimulation treatment, ultrasound-guided egg puncture, egg cryopreservation and professional fees.

USD 5000
USD 2000

In-vitro fertilization

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the union of a woman´s egg and a man´s sperm in a laboratory. The embryo can be transferred to the woman´s uterus and / or cryopreserved for future transfers. Own or donor sperm and eggs can be used.

Virtual monitoring for hormonal stimulation, ultrasound-guided egg puncture. In vitro fertilization or ICSI. Embryo transfer (if applicable). Embryo cryopreservation,

USD 25000
USD 4000

Intrauterine insemination

It is a low complexity treatment to get pregnant. It consists of introducing semen into the uterus. You can use semen from your partner or from a bank.

Professional fees and virtual follow-up for ovulation and intrauterine insemination monitoring.

USD 2000
USD 400

(*) The price listed corresponds to the value of the treatment, and not to the entire stay in Argentina
(**) The first appointment is always virtual, has a fixed price and must be paid in advance
(***) Virtual appointment fee: USD 100 / USD 25


Following is the biography of Dr. Giselle ARRUGUETE:

    • Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, residency at Hospital Fernández.
    • Fertility Fellowship at Instituto Procrearte.
    • Fertility specialist Argentine Society of Reproductive Medicine (SAMER).

Academic Training

Dr. Giselle ARRUGUETE has completed the academic training in:

  University of Buenos Aires - Argentina

Medical Centers

Dr. Giselle ARRUGUETE treats the patients in the following medical centers:

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