BABOR, Eduardo

Dr. BABOR, Eduardo (He/Him)

Cardiology Specialist

  Buenos Aires, Argentina
  English | Spanish

General Surgeon and bariatric surgeon with 40 years of experience in general surgery and 25 years of experience in bariatric surgery.


These are the treatments performed by Dr. Eduardo BABOR:

Treatment Description Coverage Price Actions

Gastric bypass

It is a type of weight loss surgery that involves turning a small sac in the stomach and connecting it directly to the small intestine. After gastric bypass, people feel full with less food eaten, which also bypasses the least absorbable first section of the small intestine. The process includes a preoperative stage (consultations with a nutritionist, psychologist, and surgeon) and a surgical stage.

Pre-surgical evaluation and postoperative follow-up (consultation with surgeons, clinicians, nutritionist and psychologist), professional fees, use of the operating room, surgical materials, three days of hospitalization in the general room, medications of habitual use.

USD 15000
USD 4500

Gastric sleeve

It is a surgical procedure to lose weight by restricting food intake. The surgeon removes 75% of the stomach, causing it to take the form of a tube or "sleeve" with less capacity to contain food. Sleeve gastrectomy induces rapid and effective weight loss, comparable to gastric bypass surgery.

Pre-surgical evaluation and postoperative follow-up (consultations with a surgeon, clinicians, nutritionist and psychologist), fees for the surgical team and anesthetist, use of the operating room, materials and disposable items of usual use, three days of hospitalization in the general room.

USD 14000
USD 4500

(*) The price listed corresponds to the value of the treatment, and not to the entire stay in Argentina
(**) The first appointment is always virtual, has a fixed price and must be paid in advance
(***) Virtual appointment fee: USD 100 / USD 25


Following is the biography of Dr. Eduardo BABOR:

    • Full member of the Argentine Association of Surgery
    • Member of the Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Surgery Subcommittee of the AAC.
    •  Full member of the Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Committee of the AAC.
    • Organizer of the bariatric surgery activities of the Argentine Congress of Surgery. Full member of the Argentine Society of Obesity Surgery
    • .Full member of the International Federation for Surgery of Obesity (IFSO).

Academic Training

Dr. Eduardo BABOR has completed the academic training in:

  University of Buenos Aires - Argentina

Medical Centers

Dr. Eduardo BABOR treats the patients in the following medical centers:

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